Transport software company increases chance of errors by using dual units

Jaama, a transport software company, advertises its MyVehicle App software product on its website with images showing that it uses both kilometres and miles. 1 Using dual units within software introduces the possibility of conversion errors and unit mix-ups. There are real-world examples of errors arising from the use of dual units in transport. Some are described in this article.

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Why Progress uses dual measurements in their sample applications

Progress Software Corporation (Progress) is a multinational company that provides software for developing and deploying business applications. I came across one of their sample applications that uses dual temperature measurements and wondered why it uses two temperature scales when one would be enough. I asked Progress about this. Read on to find out their response to my query.

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One proposed solution to improve writing of metric symbols

In the third of the series of articles on writing metric symbols, I propose a practical solution to improve the writing of metric symbols. My solution addresses one major source of metric symbol errors that I identified in my previous article.

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Costs of supporting dual measures

Ronnie Cohen provides us with an example from his work of the additional costs that businesses face as a result of having to provide for dual measures. Imagine how much better off we might be if all such costs in the UK economy and throughout the world could be avoided.

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