CMA report explains how to encourage more use of unit pricing information

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) opened a project on 31 January 2023 to consider the use of unit pricing in the groceries sector. On 20 July 2023, the CMA published its unit pricing review findings. On 30 January 2024, the CMA published its findings from consumer research and unit pricing analysis. These findings examined the awareness, presence and prominence of unit pricing, who uses it and how many use it. Unit pricing is one tool used by consumers among many in making decisions about purchases.

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Tesco announced it will show unit pricing for Clubcard offers

For Clubcard offers, you could only see the price per unit for the original price but not for the Clubcard price. Tesco has announced that unit pricing will also be shown for the Clubcard price as well. This will enable Clubcard holders to see that they are getting the best deal.

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How did campaigners for the metric system get their message across 120 years ago?

120 years ago, in addition to the activities of their members, the Decimal Association made use of pamphlets to make their case for the adoption of the metric system in place of the bewildering array of imperial weights and measures that were in use at the time.

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House of Lords votes in favour of full adoption of the metric system

With the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee still fresh in people’s memories, and with a new King on the throne, it is a momentous time in our country’s history as the House of Lords votes unanimously to switch to the sole use of the metric system for all official purposes within a 2-year period.

The vote was undoubtedly influenced by the massive public support recently expressed in favour of the metric system.

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Don’t expect to see pints of wine in the shops

After the Government published its response to the imperial units consultation in late December 2023, they said that they will add a 568 ml (pint-size) to the list of permitted sizes for wine bottles as well as the new 200 ml size for still wine and the new 500 ml size for sparkling wine. The headlines in the Government press release and in the media suggesting that pint-sized wine bottles will appear in the shops are misleading because it depends on winemakers making them but there has been a lack of interest in making them.

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BBC response to UKMA Chair’s complaint about cover-up of outcome to Government’s imperial units consultation

The BBC responded to UKMA Chair Peter Burke’s complaint about their cover-up of the outcome to the Government’s imperial units consultation. The response to the Government’s survey was almost unanimously pro-metric. Almost 99% expressed either support for the status quo (mandatory metric with an optional imperial supplementary indication) or to use fully metric pricing (with no imperial) despite the fact that respondents who wanted to express these options were forced to use the free text boxes or reply by email. The BBC reply failed to address the key issues in the UKMA Chair’s complaint.

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BBC covers up overwhelming public rejection of government plans to revive imperial units

Just after midnight on 27 December 2023, the government published the response to its imperial units consultation. On the same day, the BBC initially reported it under the headline “Metric measurement rules to stay after Brexit review”. Later that day, the BBC changed its headline to “Pint-sized bottles of wine to be sold after Brexit review” and buried the main story at the bottom of the rewritten article. The new pint size for wine bottles was not the main news item but a side issue. The BBC news report was changed to cover up the overwhelming public rejection of government plans to revive imperial units. Did the BBC bow to political pressure to cover up bad news for the government?

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Government confirms metric measurement rules to stay as 99% reject greater use of imperial units

Today, the government has responded to the imperial units consultation 16 months after it closed. Despite a consultation document banging the drum for the imperial system and a biased survey with leading questions designed to get the answers pro-imperial ministers wanted, respondents were almost unanimous in rejecting a greater use of imperial units. In response to the overwhelming rejection of government plans to bring back imperial units, the government has decided against any legislative changes.

Continue reading “Government confirms metric measurement rules to stay as 99% reject greater use of imperial units”

Mismatch of units in the energy sector has led to thousands of billing errors

Seven years ago, mistakes arose after energy firms mixed up imperial and metric gas meters. At least 8000 customers were affected by these administrative errors. In response to these errors, the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM) wrote to all gas suppliers and other interested parties after a large gas supplier informed OFGEM about this issue. This issue should serve as a warning about the serious errors that can arise from the use of two rival systems of measurement.

Continue reading “Mismatch of units in the energy sector has led to thousands of billing errors”