Tesco announced it will show unit pricing for Clubcard offers

For Clubcard offers, you could only see the price per unit for the original price but not for the Clubcard price. Tesco has announced that unit pricing will also be shown for the Clubcard price as well. This will enable Clubcard holders to see that they are getting the best deal.

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Imperial habits die hard

The attention of Metric Views has been drawn to a question appearing in the ‘Problems solved’ section of the November edition of Which? magazine. It relates to washing powder weights and volumes.

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Which? and Government claim credit for UKMA campaign

Both the Consumers’ Association (aka Which?) and the Government’s Business Department have claimed the credit for the success of their campaign to persuade supermarkets to price goods transparently.  But who actually started the campaign? and is it enough?
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Which? sees the light – and Panorama joins in

By an odd co-incidence both “Which?” magazine and the BBC’s flagship “Panorama” programme  have recently run stories on the scams employed by the big supermarkets to prevent customers from comparing “value for money” in their weekly shopping. However, despite their good intentions, neither of the articles nor the tv programme quite identified the most obvious and effective remedies. Continue reading “Which? sees the light – and Panorama joins in”