House of Lords votes in favour of full adoption of the metric system

With the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee still fresh in people’s memories, and with a new King on the throne, it is a momentous time in our country’s history as the House of Lords votes unanimously to switch to the sole use of the metric system for all official purposes within a 2-year period.

The vote was undoubtedly influenced by the massive public support recently expressed in favour of the metric system.

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Return of imperial units may appear in King’s Speech 2023 according to House of Lords briefing

The House of Lords briefing on the King’s Speech 2023 was published on 1 November 2023. It included a section on imperial units, which suggests that the Government may pursue the restoration of imperial units as part of their legislative programme during the next year. Despite facing considerable opposition to their plans to bring back imperial units during the last year, they are prepared to disregard public opinion and the views of key stakeholders to impose their plans to restore imperial units and entrench the British measurement mess. Why do they think they will succeed this time when they failed last time?

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